This was what I remember.. In a house or many roomed place.Maybe a resort..
There was a younger unattractive fortyish man supposedly really rich and powerful with his young wife or girlfriend. We watched them from our table as he mistreated her. He was the “boss” of everything it seemed and I tried to avoid him.
We then ventured away or downstairs I think to a place that had gowns hanging in closets..The was nothing else in this room it was empty. I fell in love with a raspberrycolored one with a little matching shoulder wrap made of some type of fru fru thing like fur, feathers or lace. I planned to buy, it steal it ,come back for it or what ? or put it on and just walk out in it..but then I saw the closet full of blue dress up formals. I put on the strapless blue one and it looked better than the other. At this point I was trying to decide between them..I think we came upstairs again and I could have been wearing the blue dress when this “bossy guy” saw me and asked what my name is and some bearded loser that my friend knew,stupidly told him “Mindy”. He called my name and was after me and engaged me in conversation..All of a sudden he wanted to be with me and took me with him, I cannot remember where now but still trying to recall the loser that told him my name..He was sitting in almost a carriage without a top or a rickshaw in a line of other cars, trucks or some type of transport like a circus train standing still. At any rate in the dream this Boss guy turned out not to be as bad as I had thought and I actually began to like him.
I don’t know how it ended because at that point; my dog woke me up.