MAY 31 2011 Mom’s 99th BIRTHDAY

MAY 31 2011 Mom’s 99th Birthday

Today would have been her 99th if she had made it one more year.

Breast CANCER  took her away from us all. Now my brother . still suffering  from her loss and was recently diagnosed with colon cancer.

Funny we never had anyone in our family who had cancer before this..maybe it’s microwaves, poor air quality or food  or water contamination,,but there is too much of it in our world. With all the New treatments giving you secondary illnesses such as heart disease (happenned to Mom after radiation treatments)….there still remains no real CURE.

Today we celebrate her life and imagine the party we would have had for her if she were here today. She loved presents, flowers, going special places for an extravagant meal and an expensive cake..preferably with strawberries!

We travelled to many exotic places together. horseback riding as cowgirls and floating in the Dead Sea. for my birthday in Israel when the birthday candles lit my hair on fire she threw her champagne in my face to put it out! Pretty funny! Then we all got Phaoroh’s Revenge! She passed out on the toilet and I had to slap her face to bring her around.There was no electricity after 8PM and it was scarey seeing Lebonon all lit up across the Red Sea. The ice had melted in the fridge and the temp was 122 degrees outside. She had been diagnosed with cancer was passed out on the toilet and we were alone in a third world country where they hated Americans. The trip to Israel was her idea but she was never so happy as when the plane touched down at JFK. “I could have kissed the ground when we arrived back in New York!” she exclaimed with great joy.

She was a pip! Love ya Mom. Happy Birthday wherever you are.