Welcome to the Hotel California

Welcome to the Hotel California

Growing up in New York I lived in one house for 20 years and never moved

Since I have been here in San diego I have moved exactly 46 times in 38 years.

I hate moving and now my landlord of six years wants to “Refurbish” in order to raise the rent I suspect and has given a 60 day notice to” amscray on the outbay”,

Not only do I not want to move from the beach,where I have been happy in many places over the years, and don’t  have the deposit necessary to accomplish this but it took almost as long to find a suitable place in which to move.

Exhausted emotionally we must move forward in to the abyss.

Now the race is on: will we get  the money or lose this new place? And Be:

 Homeless in the Hotel California.