Last Night while I was sleeping..

Last Night while I was sleeping..

My life must have become so boring that my dreams are far more exciting;

 well that may be going too far..they are more mysterious than real li

 My life is anything but boring!

So for the last two nights I have dreamed about my son as a young four-year-old in school. i had been shopping for garlands of roses to put upon our rose trellises and then proceeded down the stairs to josh’s school. I asked the other boys if they could tell me where he was. They were seated and pointed looking to the right laughing. He was at the beginning of a long line of seated boys. As I approached from the end of the cue, he was the last in my sight, Sitting cross legged with an impish grin, face all greasy as if he’d been rolling in mud. There was a retangularly shaped piece of heavy duty silver duct  tape over his mouth.all the other boys laughed and giggled.they thought he was a scream as the class clown. I was upset that I could not get him to answer me.

Of course last night’s dream was even more provocative but I have forgotten every bit of it.